photo contest 2019


The jury winners for 2019 photo contest are:


The winners from the contest gallery votes in 2019 are:

The best picture from each category will be included in our custom designed 2020 AMC calendar


We have received the pictures for 2019s Photo contest and you can vote for your winner at our contest gallery.


AMC photo contest 2019 is looking forward for your pictures. Please send your pictures and a short (max 50 characters) description to :

Pictures should be: JPEG/JPG, Landscape 4:3 and minimum 5Mpx. The deadline for sending your pictures to us is 11.11.2019  24:00UTC.

AMC photo contest 2019, as usual will be held in 4 categories: spring, summer, autumn, winter. Pictures will be published here.

You can vote using the 0-5 point system until 24UTC on 24th of November and the picture from every category with the highest score from the voting on AMC web site, will be published in AMC annual calendar. The rest of the pictures included in the calendar will be selected by a 3 member jury with competence in photography.

For rules and more information click here.