NB :: English version is not regularly updated ::
I. Participation:
1. Everyone who likes photography and nature.
2. Pictures with all sort of meteorological phenomenom, weather, atmosphere and aviation will be accepted.
3. The photo contest will have 4 categories – Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.
4. Requirements for the pictures:
A) Format: JPEG
B) Minimum resolution: 2560×1920 (5MP)
C) Aspect ratio: 4:3, Landscape
D) Name of the file should include Family name, category and name of the picture.
Example1: Jordanov_winter_storm.jpg
Example2: Ivanov_summer_CB.jpg
5. Send your pictures to e-mail: contest@aviomet.org.
6. Everybody can send up to 8 pictures for the contest, and for each image there should be a short description (max 50 characters) – with minimum information included: place, time of year, what type of phenomenon is pictured and all other interesting info is welcome. This information will be printed alongside with the picture in the calendar.
Example: Picture Petrov_autumn_fog.JPG – Rozhen peak, October, freezing rain.
7. Deadline for sending pictures is 24:00UTC on 5th of November
8. You can vote on the website for the best picture until 24UTC on 18th of November.