meteo news


All the best wishes to meteorologist and atmosphere enthusiasts  from AMC – Bulgaria. Let clouds motivate and inspire us to search and understand all the wonders that nature give us.

Understanding Clouds is the theme of World Meteorological Day 2017 to highlight the enormous importance of clouds for weather climate and water. Clouds are central to weather observations and forecasts.

Open petition against Musala Synop station closure

The book from Ch. Georgiev, P. Santurette, K. Maynard is out – Weather Analysis and Forecasting, 2nd Edition – Applying Satellite Water Vapor Imagery and Potential Vorticity Analysis
For more information and to order you can use this site this site.

Supercells in Bulgaria
Hristo Chipilski presents interesting analyses and information about supercell convection in Bulgaria. The link is in bulgarian language only.

the weather over Bulgaria,wind,now,43.005,25.137,6


Sofia weather logger